We are looking into assessments. Is there any way to print our question bank? Can we view the assessment as our staff sees it without assigning it to someone?
v17 Feedback Requested for Assessment Workflow
Gyrus Systems would like to update the workflow for trainings with assessments to streamline the process for the end user. Please take a moment to review the details below and provide any comments by EOD Tuesday, October 24th. As always, your feedback
Leave of Absence on Master Report
Hello, Can we have the "Leave of Absence" appear on the Master Report in the Employee Status column? Including Leave of Absence status in the Master Training reports would be more practical and efficient for other departments that don't have the same
Zoom Webinar Enrollment email
We're testing another portion of Zoom - Zoom Webinars. We created one for testing and the registration email has a strange field in it: "txtzoomemailbodyheader" (Photo attached) What does that mean? I checked the Email configurations and don't see and
Number of trainings for any trainings with assessment are not monitored
We identified one issue with the platform where in eLearning training with assessment if anyone failed to any assessment they are not asking for the retraining, instead they can do the multiple attempts for that assessment. The idea of having assessment
Another idea
I would love to be able to add online articles for our staff to read. I looked at all the options we have available to us and the best option was External Link. But it's not really a training. I just want them to know what's out there to read. I've mentioned
We are frequently asked to create lists for people. Branch Managers want a list they can share with their staff. I can create a list and share it with the branch manager but they would have to re-create the list to share with their staff. It would be
Learning Paths in the catalog
We would like to create multiple learning paths and add them to the Catalog. (i.e., follow this path if you want to promote, follow this path if you want to be better at Google Workspace, etc.) However, certain courses may be needed in multiple learning
Student Obtained Filter/Sorting
I need to know who has recently completed a training. With over 500 responses, I need to filter by a specific date. Is there a way to sort/filter by Expiration Date and/or Acquired Date in the Student Obtained Training? When I check the filter, there's
We're just getting started with trying to use ILTs. We want to set up on Onboarding ILT. We are scheduling for four days. However, each person had to choose only two of the four days. One full day and one half day. I tried it with a practice person and
Searchable Employee Directory
We are looking for a directory for our employees. While searching online, I noticed most of them were connected to an LMS and many as an HR component. Only one is not and were are thinking of buying their service because of what they offer. Have you thought
Job Level or Job Name as Column Option
Hello, I think having the ability to select Job Level/Job Name as a column option in the Employee Page would streamline this information. Currently, it's an additional 4 steps from within the Employee Page to view this information for a student. You have
Duplications in Training Transcript
Hi, Since the most recent update, I noticed duplications in my Training Transcript. Is this happening to anyone else?
SRT Vendor option of "None"
We require that all staff when reporting SRT must include the name of the vendor. I see that one of the options you include is "None". However that fulfills the REQUIRED vendor option without actually including the name of a vendor. Is there some way
New Admin Dashboard
I really like the look. When we got to play with the new dashboard, I remember seeing SRTs on the Requests for Training - Pending widget. I don't see any pending SRTs. Or would I only see it if it's my immediate staff? I don't have a staff and I approve/Deny
Admin ability to upload employee's profile photo
Admins should have the ability to upload employee photos to their employee profiles. Our company offers company headshots when an employee is going through orientation/onboarding. It would be useful if we can add it to their Gyrus profile so that everyone
Do not display archived records under supervisor assignment
Once an employee record is archived, it should not display under the supervisor. Or, there should be an option to select to display archived records or not.
Gyrus is exhibiting at ATD International Conference and Exposition, ATD23
The Gyrus Systems team is excited to support ATD 2023 with a booth in the exhibit hall. The Association for Talent Development has hosted conferences to educate and inspire professionals in the talent development field for 80 years. ATD's annual conference
Length of log off timing
Could the time allowed before being logged off be improved? I am often working in LMS but not doing whatever the LMS counts as activity and I get the log off warning or even logged off. It would be helpful to have uninterrupted time when I am adding/updating
AI Maintenance
I'm going through our AI Maintenance page. I have a few questions. Employee unassigned to supervisor: there is one person who will always be on this list. She has no supervisor because she is the top person. I already have her set as ignored in the list.
Can you clear On Leave dates?
I'm trying to clear up our Leave Report. I'd like to clear the leave dates so I know those people are actually back to work. Is this possible? I tried just simply deleting the dates but it didn't allow me to do that.
Apply filters on child nodes at a lower level
It would be helpful to have the ability to apply filters on child nodes for lower-level nodes in the organization. The "Apply filters on child nodes" is currently an all-or-nothing option. Right now, when selecting who a course should be assigned to,
Adding to Badges
We're trying to utilize more of Gyrus! Questions about badges: We are thinking of creating 6 value badges. These badges would be awarded after someone finishes a specific course within that value. Once the badge is created, would we be able to add courses
Dark Mode
This is a common feature or preference found on many sites.
Share link based on Language Preference
We have a large number of Spanish speaking employees and make sure they receive courses entirely in Spanish. (Spanish audio, graphics, questions, etc) When sending bulk emails to share courses to active-licensed employees there should be a way to filter
Utilizing the Bug Fix style pop up box as an advantage.
Currently, the only was to send a company wide message to students on Gyrus is by adding it in the Messages side bar. This messages bar is so small and difficult to look at due to it's formatting. The notification used to inform students they have a message
Playlist and Activity Feed
Playlists: When shared, the person you share it with should receive an email stating that a playlist has been share with them and to view it on Gyrus. Otherwise how do they know? Activity Feed: How long does a new activity stay on the feed? Can we scroll
Cancelling Enrollments for Students you Deactivate
With the addition of the "Remove Student Association" check box when deactivating a student, I believe it would make sense to add a "Cancel Incomplete Enrollments" checkbox or toggle. The idea of having to go to the student transcript, find which training
Badges for skills
We would like to use badges to highlight employee's skills and languages. It would be wonderful to be able to search for badges so others can see who has those skills or for a manager to see what skills (badges) their employee's have. In other words,
Ability to view all Exhibited Assessments pending in one place
There should be a way for supervisors/leads to see all the pending exhibited assessments he/she has to complete for their team members on one easy to see page. Currently, I have only found going to Manage My People page and hovering over each of their
Exhibited Assessment Comments from Supervisors/Leads
There should be a way for Supervisors/Leads to leave a comment or a reason the employee did not pass the exhibited assessment. You can see previous assessment attempts and it would be useful if those comments could appear here for posterity purposes.
I want to add new types of learning to our Gyrus: Microlearning and Podcasts. However, I also want to have the subject. It would be great to either a) allow more than one subject or b) allow us to create tags for certain types of courses.
In System Communication and Inboxes
The ability for a learner to directly send a message to an admin inside the system and vice versa would be a helpful ability. For example, if a learner has a question on a course they can click the mailbox and send a message. Similarly, if an admin/instructor
Changing Enrollment Maximum After Class Is Scheduled
Is there a way to change the enrollment maximum for a class after it has been scheduled in the system. I have not seen an article on that and want to pick someone's brain. Thanks!
Zoom Webinars
We are looking into using more of Gyrus' features like Webinars and ILT. My question about Webinars: if we record the webinar so the course can be available to others after the Live webinar, will we have to make another card for the Catalog or can it
Viewing Assigned Training for Jobs v.16
Good afternoon, I want to be able to create a new hire training IDP for a specific Job so when someone comes onboard I add a pre populated grouping of skills to them based on their job responsibilities. Example: Hourly CNC/Mill Turn assigned 15 skills.
Cut Off Dates for ILT
Could it be possible to add a field that creates a cut off date for enrollment into an ILT? Example: If I list a class date as 3/1 and then enter a cut off date of 5 days prior, enrollment then locks on 2/24. For Instructors that need to prep materials
Users with no activity
I ran the Users with no activity report. Is there a way to run the report and show only those that are active? Don't show the deactivated ones.
Date Added to Gyrus
Is there somewhere in the system that shows when a profile is added to Gyrus? Is it possible to add it to the employee's Person Information page?
Username Default
When adding new employees one at a time, the UserName automatically configures to First Initial and Last name. We want to use the User's Employee Number. Currently, we have to type in the Employee Number. Can this default be changed? I've checked all
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