KB709 | v17 | Adding Assessments to Training

KB709 | v17 | Adding Assessments to Training

This article is for v17.x of the GyrusAim LMS application.


Assessments can be added to any type of training, or they can be freestanding. This KB details how to add an assessment to a training.

Attaching an Assessment to a Training

To add an assessment to a training, you first need to create the Question Category that will be used to set up the assessment. Review KB585 | Creating Assessment Question Categories for guidance on how to create a Question Category. Once created, you'll set up your assessment in the Training Objective section of your training setup:

Screenshot of the Training Objective with Training Objective and Add Assessment highlighted.

Within the Training Objective, click on "Add Assessment". Upon clicking, an assessment section will appear directly below:

Screenshot of the assessment portion of the Training Objective

Select the Question Category(ies) you wish to use for the assessment and populate the following fields, as appropriate. Click on Save to save your settings.

Assessment Type
Use the dropdown menu to select either Exhibited Assessment (Supervisor takes) or Knowledge Assessment (Student Takes)
Count Down Time or Allow Partial Save
Use the Count Down Time field to apply a timer to your assessment -OR- select Allow Partial Save to allow the learner to save their assessment and return to it later.
Single Question per Page
Check the box if you wish every question to appear on different pages.
Text captured in this field will be displayed on the assessment's detail page.
Text captured in this field will be displayed on every page of the assessment while the user in completing it.

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