KB678 | v17 | How to Archive Users

KB678 | v17 | How to Archive Users


This KB serves to inform users on how to archive an account. Archiving users is considered preferable to deleting them since it retains their history while still hiding them from sight for all other purposes. Users can be archived even when they cannot be deleted.

Archive a User

- Find the employee you wish to archive on the employee page and edit them to enter their edit screen:
Image Showing How to Edit an Employee

-Under the Person Information tab, scroll down, open the "Show More" tab continue until you find the "Archive Date" tab.
-Set the Archive Date to schedule a time for them to be archived, or set it to a date in the past to archive them immediately.
-If you wish to remove the employee's associations to Jobs, Supervisors, etc., then check the box for "Remove Association."
Image Showing How to Archive an Employee

-When finished, remember to continue to the Save Screen and Save your progress.
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