KB676 | v16 | Annual License Unlock

KB676 | v16 | Annual License Unlock


This KB details how to use the About Product page to get an Extend License code and upload the key file for your annual license unlock in GyrusAim version 16 for self-hosted customers.

License Key/Code

Note: Update License is a separate task from Extend License. The steps are identical for each with the exception of which button you select on the About Product page, but attempting to mix and match license files i.e. uploading an Extend License file in the Update License section or vice-versa will result in a failed upload. So if you are told to Update License, then you can follow the same steps but using the Update License section instead of Extend License.

When it is time for annual license renewal, a support ticket will be opened for your renewal and an agent will ask you for a license key. To get your license key:

  1. After logging in as an admin, go to the About Product page by clicking the dropdown list next your profile picture and selecting "About Product":
    image showing how to navigate to the About Product page.
  2. Click on the "Extend License" button.
  3. Give your agent the code on this screen by posting it in the ticket:
    image showing how to open the "Extend Product License" page and get the license key.

Upload License File

  1. When your agent gives you the license file, repeat steps 1 & 2 to return back to the Extend License screen and upload the file using the choose file button. Then click "Extend Product License":
    image showing where to upload the license file.
  2. When the upload succeeds, please notify your agent via the support ticket that you successfully uploaded your license and they will close your ticket for you. Thank you for using Gyrus!
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